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    Bugs are no problem


    🐞 Bugs are no problem.

    At least known bugs. At least not really.

    I mean, sure, we all would rather have a bug-free product, but if I had to choose between a product with 1000 known bugs and 100 unknown bugs, I know which one I’d choose.

    Once a defect is out in the open, at least you can work with it. You can make decisions. You can react.

    Fundamentally, you have two options: ship the product before fixing the defect, or ship after fixing is (and perhaps take more time than you’d like until you can finally ship). Or decide that the defect is actually acceptable, and will never be fixed.

    But… which way should you go? As always, the answer lies in considering the users’ needs.

    The best course of action would be determined my what is most most helpful (and/or least harmful) to the user.

    You see, a product the customer can already use, albeit with a few weaknesses, might be absolutely preferable to having nothing at all. Or the opposite might be true, because the bug poses a serious problem.

    This is why QA is always important – even when you might not be able to address all issues you may find. But now you have clarity, and you can work with the data you have.

    Beats hoping and guessing, that’s for sure.

    (Photo by MARIE JEANNE Iliescu from FreeImages)