The rest of this site is entirely about you, dear reader. This page is about me.
Hello! I’m Dipl.-Ing. Luca Ingianni, and I want to make your life better.
A Dream: smooth, efficient, fun product development
Imagine if you built projects quickly, frictionlessly, with great quality, and anticipating you customers’ needs. Engineers would be proud of their work, managers are relaxed knowing they can trust the team they are a part of, and everybody gets to go home while it’s still light out.
You can be that person, that team. We both know it. The only question is: how to get there?
Let me help you get there
Whoever you are: a developer, a scrum master, a manager, a CTO: I’m going to help you and your team.
But… I’m not a slick consultant type who has all the answers. I’m not going to tell you what to do: I can’t – all teams are different. We’ll understand your situation, together, and find a way forward.
What drives me is to see people learn, understand, succeed – in one word: grow. And I can’t grow you, you can only grow yourself. But I’ll provide all you need to grow.
I’ve been where you are now
I’m actually an arospace engineer by training – an actual rocket scientist :-D ! But eventually the dark side won mer over – I’ve spent my entire career in IT.
I’ve been a contractor for more than a decade. I started out like many of us, as a hired hand, augmenting staff on bigger projects. Testing, specifying, coding, even managing – I’ve done it all.
The great thing about that is: I’ve seen the entire development process in many projects. I’ve seen many teams. I’ve seen how the sausage gets made.
And I can’t leave it like it is.
It’s funny really: I was employing techniques that would today be called DevOps already back in 2009, even though nobody but Patrick Dubois knew that term yet.
We’ll grow your future, together
There’s ample discussion of modern methods all over the Web. But what do they mean for you? What works, and how? How does it all translate to your situation? I often talk to seasoned engineers who feel confused, or even overwhelmed, by the plethora of tools and techniques being tossed around on the Internet.
I’ll help you make sense of the new landscape of techniques and tools. How to gradually, iteratively improve your way of working. How to determine what works, and what doesn’t.
We’ll use an engineer’s approach: keep an open mind, be pragmatic, try to be driven by facts and data, not assumptions and magic.
Take the first step right now
If you’re ready to give your development practice a new dirction, contact me. Let’s figure out together how you can improve your products - and your life.