[Reading time: 1 minutes 30 seconds]
…says everybody.
Whenever I talk about DevOps, I get to hear this.
“DevOps doesn’t work for us, our responsibilities and departments are far too entrenched. It would be great to have something like this, but, sadly, our organisation makes it impossible.”
Yeah yeah yeah.
Not to ridicule the skeptics – introducing something as profoundly changing as DevOps is to many organisations is diifficult, so they’re being entirely realistic that this will be hard, and sometimes frustrating, work.
But it won’t be nearly as daunting as they think.
There’s a shocking trick to it: apply common sense!
You don’t need to do the whole thing all at once (in fact, if you do, I’ll brace for impact).
Just pick a promising place to start, and get going. And then just kind of never stop improving, taking as small steps as you need.
Instead of assuming that the other departments aren’t going to go along, maybe have a quick chat with them – maybe they’d love to collaborate better, but imagine that you’ll reject it. I’ve observed this scenario play out often enough!
I get it, you see all the issues that could –will, in fact– plague you – but every organisation has those. You just don’t know the others well enough to see it.
So I encourage you to get started with something small … and before you know it, two years have gone by, and lou look back in awe at what you’ve achieved.
Because “Wow, I never thought we could get this far, in such little time” is the other thing everybody says – who dared to take that first step.