They still don’t get it (PlatformIO edition)
Caution: Rant ahead.
Woah, look at this thing!
I’m currently toying with an embedded framework called PlatformIO.
Read moreCaution: Rant ahead.
I’m currently toying with an embedded framework called PlatformIO.
Read moreI’ve been impressed with the Sikuli (now SikuliX) project for a few years yet.
It has a few warts, but I like the concept of interacting with a GUI just like a user, using visual inspection. If an UI aspect of your software can’t be properly identified visually, it can’t be used in SikuliX – and in reality, neither can it be used by a human.
Read moreIt’s dead! You will hear people say. It’s an abomination, they cry. It should be banished to the past, they demand.
Read moreDas erstaunliche an Rhythmus ist, daß man ihn nicht wirklich wahrnimmt. Aber wenn er mal fehlt, merkt man urplötzlich, daß irgendetwas nicht stimmt. Aber was nur?
Read moreThe remarkable thing about rhythm is that you tend not to notice it. But once it’s absent, suddenly something feels off, and you struggle to figure out what it is.
Read moreHabt Ihr schon mal versucht, in einem mit pdflatex
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